Friday, February 20, 2009

No One Told Me....

for years, one of my all-time, favorite foods since i can remember is.........


it's the ultimate in comfort, taste, convenience and price!

unfortunately, the Mom has been telling me that this GIFT of food is JUST NOT HEALTHY for my aging body. :-(.

as the fearless leader of my home, what did i do about the RAMEN prohibition? i submitted.....

well, i'm sitting in this investors conference, of all places, to learn that, indeed, RAMEN was no longer appropriate for anyone after college? how did i discover this sober truth? a presenting CEO of a new technology enterprise authored a book titled:

"No More Ramen "

the book appears to be a 'how-to' for college seniors who just don't know what to do with their lives post-graduation... (whaaaa). i haven't read the book, of course, but i'm pretty sure i won't like his philosophies.

-the Dad

p.s. yes, for those of you who are particular good at critical analysis, this post WAS written during the actual conference, in real time. many business presentations, none worth actually paying much attention to... it's a tough time out there..

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