Monday, April 13, 2009


a radio broadcast
by twinkle and minnie

MINNIE: I'm exhausted. Someone quick save me. (groans)

TWINKLE: (aside) Minnie just got home from zumba. Methinks she is a bit under the weather. (to Minnie) That sounds just terrible. How do you feel about it?

MINNIE: I feel dreadful. And exhausted. 

TWINKLE: Anything else?


TWINKLE: Your problem is that you don'! Yes, that's it. You're apricototious.

MINNIE: Ug, this is boring. (Starts singing "whooo ooh! whoo ooh!").  Where is the cutting board?

TWINKLE: Obviously, Minnie is not in the mood to talk with us right now. That is a definite sign of apricototious. (pause). Well, the weather is nice. (pause again). Really nice. Um, signing off. I guess. Good-bye and good-night! Tune in next time to hear about Mickey's kiwitis!


Erin Deltenre said...

woooooooow.......... i'm SO sorry to hear about your unfortunate condition minnie!! i had NO idea! that explains SO much!! LOL J/K you guys are too funny, i'm guessing you had a lot of time on your hands?? well, i look forward to more "broadcasts" ttyl~ erin

Rach said...

oooh...I miss you. just being funny with you :) sounds like you're not at a shortage of funniness, tho...I hope poor little Minnie recovers quickly. at the moment I have acute does Ashley. we are fellow sufferers. :D

love you girls!

ashley said...

i heart zumba! its so awesome.

haha, rach is right. no shortage of funniness over at you all's place! oh gosh, i miss being weird with you. i do. i do. :(

and yes, rach and I DO have Picklitis. unfortunantly. ;)