Saturday, May 3, 2008

More pics, less talking

So. A picture is worth 1,000 words right...well i am short on time and long on pictures. so this post will be short and sweet with the narrative and long on pictures.

here they are in no particular order (sorry Cz's...we should have posted every night you were here!)

we took lots of fun pictures:

ate really great icee things at Bahama Bucks--a south west thing. This was perfect after our hike up the mountain
The adults went to a Diamondbacks Charity event on the field at Chase Field. We ate a delicious dinner while the Phoenix Symphony played in the back ground, and enjoyed fabulous entertainment later. How fun was that!!

Introduced the Cz's to all our friends here....

we did hair. well I curled the girls hair and our friend Becky put it up oh so pretty....

R got to meet a friend from her online writing of our friends too!

we got manicures for the girls and pedicures for the moms --me, J and Oma

Please don't comment on the toes that look like little tangerines...the other feet are so beautiful, just ignore the ugly orange ones....thank you.

we went to a fancy fundraiser for Frontiers--a ministry organization that specifically targets muslims of unreached people groups....

we got TP'ed

we watched movies, and sang songs and laughed and ate and stayed up late way too much and sat pool side and talked and talked and talked. What a wonderful visit.

Don't forget our wonderful (and slightly embarassing) sunser pictures at the E's house..."OH, Hi Ryan..."

And we capped off all of these wonderful memories with a culinary---gulp--experience.

And what an experience.

We went to

The Golden Corrall.

Now first, I have a problem with this restaurant simply on principle...Golden Corrall?? come eat at our metal trough??? are you kidding me?? who is in charge of marketing there anyway???

SO we went

We ate.

we survived.

Yes. We did it. But prob never again:) But girls, it was a memory!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol - what an adventure. at least Mickey liked it... =D 'member the bowl of gummy bears?