Saturday, November 24, 2007

Silence is golden

when we've had too much fun making memories this past week to actually sit down and memorialize them for our out-of-town friends and fam.

more to come soon.. but it was hard to beat football/ping pong..(err.. table tennis for the serious players who showed up)/basketball/fires/tons of food/our first watching of "White Christmas"/ listening to the 'Back Porch Boys" perform their signature christmas carols - (CD coming soon your way after the real-time audition with the music producer - (another story for another family)....... sorry for the rambling..

and what's more?

a dip in the pool on Thanksgiving evening..

to join the Polar Bear club the easy way...


Anonymous said...

the pool??? oohhhh... i'm so jealous! ;)

Anonymous said...

did you like white christmas?
missing you!