Monday, May 11, 2009

Girls Go To California!

This past weekend, the J girls, the Mom, Minnie, and me (Twinkle) took a trip to the sunny state of California. A friend was hosting an open house for her business and the Mom invited Mrs. J to come. 

We girls came along for the beach and the strawberries. Yes, you read that right. Strawberries. We all got a tan (or a burn), watched movies (like Pride and Prejudice), had GREAT conversations (on the beach, of course), shivvvvvvvvered underneath the towwwwwelll (yes, it was that cold), and ate some delish food (except the burritos, right, Van? :)) 

Mrs. J convinced us to make a quick pit-stop to get some California strawberries. No, we were not brave enough to pick them ourselves, but we did buy a flat (which is about 12 containers). Yes, we ate nearly all of them.

Huge. Juicy. Delicious. And pure nectar. Need I say more? 

Boogie-boarding. That water was FREEZING. At one point (actually, many points) my fingers were so cold that they were burning. Then, they turned into ice cubes. And that was no fun.

Mom and Mrs. J attended the open house in style!

Aunt Janet, the Mom, and Reeree. :)

Our last night, we ate at a Mexican restaurant. Yuuuuummmmmyyyyyy goodness! (This picture was taken after a day at the beach--notice the red cheeks!) 


Erin Deltenre said...

HOW FUN!!!! Looks like you girlz had SO much fun!!! what great memories! Tay you look ADORABLE in the last pic (you too Van) :) it makes me even more anxious for the beach!! ugh! can't wait! love ya' ~erin

Rach said...

awww fun!! looks like you had a blast! miss you and see you in 2 weeks!!! :D