Monday, June 1, 2009

WWO X has a winner

For those of you not familiar with this 'tradition like no other,' the Dad and a host of life-long friends went away this past week for the 10th anniversary WWO trip - (World Wide Open). it's supposed to be about a golf competition and we think it's been held for about 10 years, but there is considerable debate about whether it's either. (Here is the link).

For sure, i can say it IS about:

-Friendship - not much to worry about with fellas who've known you upwards of 25 years (pre marriage, jobs, kids and the rest of the trappings from adult life)
-Letting the 'hair down,' since most of us are losing hair, this is easy (imagine a reasonably cleaned up version of Andrew Dice Clay, post-conversion)...
-Trying to do something darn near impossible for middle-aged men who've seen their best days behind them (at least athletically).. that is.. to make a 3-foot putt when the only thing at stake is an ugly red jacket and a name on a plaque that will be landfill as soon as we're done this thing for good... and sometimes, the impossible does happen - like the best player actually winning the WWO (congrats to Scotland!)
-Good food - the resort food was barely passable, but Surf and Turf is generally on the menu.
-Trying to catch up on a personal level with friends who might live in the same town, attend the same church, but rarely get to "visit" with friends given their responsibilities.

-finally, the 10 years has been special, but this year it's been:

-Airline ticket, lodging and meals - $1000
-Taylor-made Super Quad driver (sold new at retail for $400) purchased on ebay: $70
-Used Irons to improve the game - $150
-Posting an all-time low score in front of all your buddies who are used to seeing you barely break a 100: Priceless
-Taking your eldest daughter back to MD to attend a lifelong friend's baptism: eternally priceless.

Thanks to all my boys at the WWO for making X happen and to our friends back in MD - we miss you.

the fellas loading up on a Breakfast of Champions before the day's rounds.

ahhh.. the benevolent dictatorship of the Commish and the Asst Commish.

Italy, Korea and the Chaplain.

Another case of the Asst Commish trying to pull a fast one on Scotland.

Obviously, this pic is BEFORE the round when hope runs high and disregards the track record of past performance

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