Saturday, February 9, 2008

zoo(minnie and mickey)

''Hello and Welcome to the ZOO!"

"Do you have a ticket?
May I please have it?
Thank you
Have a good day"

Mickey smiling even as he is falling off.

Awww so cute! The mommy and the baby. Oh! Just to let you know the mommy is called Petoonya and the baby. The baby is a boy, but I wish it were a girl. But it's not so let's call it Frank)...Is that good?

This one is Bob. He is the dad. Bob is going to jump. Will he make it or will he not...

This is a good pic

She's falling off! Someone save her!

Mickey is pushing me off (of course) and he is not willing to save me. Fine. If he does not save me then I will not save him. (he will fall off you know. it's our secret, ok? do not tell anyone at all.)

"Did you enjoy the zoo?
Was it fun?
Any answers?
Have a good day"

A couple days ago me (Minnie) and Mickey went to the zoo with some friends. (Yup the zoo, even in Jaunary.) We saw big horned sheep. They were up close, closer than usually. There was a baby too, it kept jumping and jumping really high. It was very fun, as you can tell. Well, I guess that's all there is to tell.


1 comment:

Maw Maw said...

Great pictures - loved the comments and names given - minnie and mickey - thanks for the laughs.

Love, Maw-maw