Sunday, February 3, 2008

NFL Experience Pics

The following pictures are from Saturday's Superbowl Experience.

The kids posing for a beau-tiful picture.

That's me making the winning catch. Yeah, right.

This is the view from the ferris wheel. We waited in line for 45 minutes.

That's the stadium where the AMAZING game of Patriots versus Giants was played. GO GIANTS!

Another view.

So cute. :)

Soooo super cute!

There had to be 523421 billion people at the NFL Experience. No, maybe 1000000000 trillion. Anyway, it was a HUGE number.

Do you notice the strained smile? That's because we were, like, 100 feet off the ground in a rickety ferris-wheel-cart that did not even shut right because there weren't even locks or bolts or nails and I think we should have our money back.

 Who's that crazy girl?   Ahem.

One last note:

Mason accidentally closed the cargo-door on the car. So what? Well, the corner landed on Dad's head. Blood everywhere.  recovering nicely, though...



Jen said...

No picture of The Dad and his injury? Thanks for sharing your fun day with us!

We miss you all so much! :)

Maw Maw said...

Great to see everyone and really enjoyed all the pictures and fun descriptions - thanks Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!


Anonymous said...


P.S. I want to see the injury!