Friday, September 7, 2007

Our Roadtrip West......

the tram is Albuquerque

Alrighty. Finally a recap of our journey so far. I have had all these thoughts in my head and finally I am going to try to put some of them down to paper.

First, our trip out here. The entire fam couldn't believe how quickly the time went by. I had even packed their math books to work on for the quieter moments (perhaps bored moments ) on the car ride. They never cracked them open.

Hmmm. Come to think of it...I guess if I had to choose between being bored/doing math work and keeping myself busy and entertained, I could be pretty well entertained!

We'd like to thank many of our friends for popping up along the way out west. What? You didn't know you accompanied us for part of the journey??? Well, let me fill you in . As we drove through Arkansas, we couldn't help but think of the Falcon-ies as we passed by the Arkansas Winery. Yep you got that right. Arkansas Wine. Who knew there was so much culture in that state to have its own winery? We almost stopped by and bought a case fer ya...but thought better and drove on.

And of course, walking through Bass Pro Shop and getting the hotel deal of a lifetime made us think of our other neighbors--the hunting-frugal ones.

The cricket motel brought back fond memories of where the Cooney clan stayed in Florida. This place ranked right there with your memorable hotel room, D!

And thanks to the Ennis' we ate well all along the way--krispy creme the first morning and then McDonalds for a few days as well! thanks so much!

And who doesn't appreciate dutch mints? Well....I didn't until I tried the ones Emily sent with us. Boy, they were good. And of course,Emily, we thought of you as we enjoyed the treats you sent.

And the first day's drive--the one with a bazillion bathroom stops (for the kids, not the dog)--reminded me of one of my favorite science students. You know who you are, no need to embarass you by listing your name.

Have I mentioned how sweet the air in Oklahoma was? Honest. Sweet air. We all rolled down the window and breathed. Until it got too hot, then we rolled them right back up and enjoyed the AC. And did you know that Oklahoma is home to Carrie Underwood. That's right. To our ROMO buddies out there,we played 'Jesus take the wheel' in your honor as we drove through Checotah, Oklahoma--Carrie's hometown.

We thought of many others of you...but this post is already too long and you all have a life to live back there in Maryland, New York, LA, Florida, New Jersey....and wherever else you all may be reading from....

Goodbye for now....

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