Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Refrigerator

My refrigerator works very hard. Every time the door is opened, some of that Arizona heat gets in. The poor refrigerator thermostat (located in the front of the fridge) thinks the entire fridge has been exposed to Sahara desert heat. So the fridge, wanting to be a good fridge and not an oven, cranks on and cools its entire self down.

I have had lettuce freeze, milk last for weeks, and water bottles crack from the expanding water.

Add to that the egg phenomenon (for which we still don't have a winner)....

Strange things happen in this fridge.

~the mom

1 comment:

Kelly said...

my last guess is that since in the Nam house the fridge is open and shut repeatedly throughout the day that eggs are frozen which cracks them then the door opens and then the temp warms up a little, causing the eggs to thaw just a bit and the egg seeps out then the fridge cools way down and freezes them again. And this continues the whole day.

The moral of the story - i think some of your friends (especially the Traugott's) aren't as smart as you are giving them credit for. :)